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Lab News


May 2024: And…. Another outstanding ARVO conference - attended by Lindsey Barrett, Emmanuel Owusu Poku, and Deb Stenkamp. Excellent posters by Lindsey and Emma. Lindsey was awarded a Randall Women in Science travel grant! Thanks to the ARVO-ites who stayed in Seattle through Thursday and went to our posters!


Spring 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Ashley Farre (lab alumna) for the College of Science Dean's Graduate Award, and to top it off, the Diane Haynes Memorial Award, which is presented to the Outstanding Graduate Student in the College of Science. Fantastic and highly deserved!


Fall 2023: The latest paper from the lab is in Scientific Reports!!! This paper is authored by Ashley, former medical students Preston Thomas and Johnson Huang, former INBRE intern Rachel Poulsen, and by Emmanuel and Deb. We report that thyroid hormone changes cone opsin expression in adult fish; the paper is some really beautiful work.


Summer/Fall 2023: Two new grants associated with Idaho INBRE program! A Pilot Project grant, and a Team Science Supplement (collaborative with Diana Mitchell, and Linh Nguyen in Math/Stats and Boyu Zhang in Computer Science).


Summer 2023: Congratulations to Dr. Ashley Farre on a stellar dissertation seminar and defense! Next she joins Dr. Mitchell’s lab as a postdoctoral fellow.


Summer 2023: Congratulations to Idris Korol, with a poster award at the annual INBRE Conference!


July 2023: A big, juicy paper in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience! This paper is authored by Ashley, former grad student Sun Chi, former undergrad Audrey Duncan, Deb, and our collaborators in the Swaroop and O’Brien labs, and demonstrates heterogeneity between LWS1 and LWS2 cones and within each cone population.


Spring/Summer 2023: New students in the lab! UI undergraduates Benjamin Ting, Sydney Inman, and Blake Baker joined the group in Spring. INBRE-supported UI undergraduate Idris Korol and WWAMI medical student Matthew Fonte joined in Summer.


May 2023: And…. Another outstanding ARVO conference - attended by Ashley Farre, Lindsey Barrett, Emmanuel Owusu Poku, and Deb Stenkamp. Excellent posters by Ashley, Lindsey, and Emma. Lindsey was awarded THREE separate travel grants: A Randall Women in Science award, a College of Science travel grant, and an ARVO travel grant!


Spring 2023: Two more cool papers, in Methods in Molecular Biology - Lindsey, Deb, and collaborators Diana Mitchell, Mike Varnum, and Pete Meighan - for anyone interested in using ouabain to damage zebrafish retina and start the regeneration process, or to measure the restoration of function after such an injury by using ERGs.


Fall 2022: Two cool papers from the lab - 1) Ruth Frey is first author on a paper in Experimental Eye Research coauthored by Lindsey Barrett, Deb Stenkamp, and four former undergraduate researchers, on parasitic eye flukes in threespine stickleback. 2) Lindsey Barrett is first author on a paper in Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience coauthored by Deb Stenkamp and collaborators Diana Mitchell and Mike Varnum, on recovery of the ERG during retinal regeneration. Congratulations all!


Summer 2022: Graduate student Lindsey Barrett presented an excellent talk at annual INBRE conference, and Graduate students Ashley Farre and Emmanuel Owusu Poku present posters at the Visual System Development GRC and GRS. Lab alumnus Sun Chi chaired the GRS!


May 2022: Another outstanding ARVO conference - attended by Ashley Farre, Lindsey Morey, Preston Thomas, and Deb Stenkamp. Great talk, Ashley!


Fall 2021: Deb Stenkamp, Diana Mitchell, and former INBRE undergraduate research Derek Viall publish in Experimental Eye Research.


August 2021: Welcome to new PhD student, Emmanuel Owusu-Poku.


Summer 2021: Welcome to Brittany Blakeley, a UI undergraduate joining the lab.  


Summer 2021: Welcome to Preston Thomas, a UI-WWAMI medical student here for a summer of research, and congratulations to Preston on an INBRE research grant! 


Summer 2021: Congratulations to Audrey Duncan, continuing her research this summer with the NSF-Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.


May 2021: Ashley Farre, Lindsey Morey, Johnson Huang, and Deb Stenkamp “attend” the virtual ARVO meeting. 


Spring 2021: Former PhD student Susov Dhakal, Ruth Frey, and Deb Stenkamp publish in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, with our talented collaborators at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and former undergraduates Josie Sejd, Megan Batty, and Jenny Blackerby.


Spring 2021: Welcome to Abby Eustus, a UI undergraduate researcher, and to Rachel Poulsen, a visiting intern from BYU-Idaho.


Fall 2020: Lindsey Morey is now a Ph.D. student in the lab!


Summer 2020: Ashley Farre was awarded an NIH NRSA predoctoral fellowship!!  Congratulations Ashley! This appears to be the FIRST NIH predoctoral fellowship ever awarded to a graduate student at the University of Idaho. Way to go!!!


Summer 2020: Congratulations to Dr. Robert Mackin on an outstanding dissertation and defense! Next stop, Houston, for a postdoctoral appointment in Melanie Samuel's lab at Baylor.


Summer 2020: Welcome to Johnson Huang, a UW-Spokane medical student here for a summer of research.


Spring 2020: Undergraduate researcher Audrey Duncan is awarded a a SURF grant for the summer


Fall 2019: Expansion of zebrafish facility!! Three new freestanding racks installed, thanks to financial support from UI Office of Research and Economic Development, The College of Science, The Department of Biological Sciences, The Institute for Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Studies (IBEST), Idaho IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE), and The Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation (IMCI). 


September 2019: Deb speaks in the University of Colorado Denver Vision Science Seminar Series and meets with collaborator Valeria Canto-Soler and her lab group.


August 2019: Robert Mackin, Deb Stenkamp, Ruth Frey, Carmina Gutierrez, Ashley Farre, Shoji Kawamura, and Diana Mitchell publish a paper in PNAS.


June 2019: Tim McGinn, Deb Stenkamp, Carlos Galicia, Dylan Leoni, Natalie Partington, and Diana Mitchell publish a paper in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.


May 2019: Jagdish Patel, Deb Stenkamp, and Celeste Brown are co-authors on a paper in Science, on rod-   mediated color vision in deep sea fish!!


May 2019: Ashley Farre, Derek Viall, Rob Mackin, and Deb Stenkamp attend another fantastic and successful ARVO meeting, in  Vancouver BC, Canada


April 2019: Deb Stenkamp receives the 2019 University of Idaho Excellence in Research and Creative Activity Award


April 2019: Deb Stenkamp speaks in the Distinguished Lecture Series at the Cole Eye Institute in Cleveland, OH


April 2019: Both Ashley Farre and Rob Mackin win Knights Templar Foundation Travel Grants for ARVO


December 2018: Six papers published from the lab in 2018!!


October 2018: Deb Stenkamp is a symposium speaker at the Argentinian ARVO meeting in Cordoba, Argentina


October 2018: PhD student Robert Mackin wins Outstanding Young Investigator Award ("Best Talk") at the Utah Fish Conference.


August 2018: Two new PhD students, Ashley Farre and Derek Viall join the lab 

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